Social Security

As a nation, we've made many promises to our fellow citizens, including a pension through Social Security and access to health care through Medicare, as well as support for the poor and disabled. My mom, a former public school teacher, relies on this support in her retirement, and I'm proud our nation has this vital safety net. However, these programs are rapidly growing beyond our ability to pay for them. To be blunt, Social Security and Medicare are going bankrupt.
Social Security now pays out more than it collects, slowly consuming the funds that have built up over time from contributions by hardworking Americans. Numerous independent financial and economic analysts agree that Social Security as currently structured is fiscally unsustainable. If we fail to fix entitlement spending today, we will be forced to break our promises in the future.
For many Americans who need help staying afloat in times of hardship, any changes to the social safety net can seem daunting, and I share these concerns. I believe this issue must be given greater attention, and I am dedicated to using my position in Congress to fight for sensible, long-term solutions that strengthen the program for current seniors and preserve it for future generations.