Second Amendment

As a lifelong hunter and sportsman, I am a strong and vocal defender of our Second Amendment rights. I'm proud to have an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA) for my work in Congress, and I will always defend the rights of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. The Second Amendment is the right that guarantees we can defend our other rights, and it is a fundamental freedom that must be protected.
Throughout my time in Congress, I’ve authored and cosponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect our Constitutional rights.
I've led the charge to advance national concealed carry reciprocity. I introduced the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 38) to guarantee our Second Amendment rights don't disappear when we cross state lines. H.R. 38 has been described as the "biggest guns rights boost since the ratification of the Second Amendment." It will ensure law-abiding citizens can protect their families across state lines and I will continue my fight to get it signed into law.
In addition, I've also led efforts to oppose 'green tip' bullet bans, red flag laws, and new regulations from the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco and Explosives (ATF) on pistol stabilizing braces, devices first created to allow wounded veterans to use a firearm. Under their regulation, an individual could become a felon unless they turn in or destroy their firearm, destroy their brace, or pay a tax. I led 140 Members of the House of Representatives in urging the Department of Justice to withdraw the proposed guidance. Forty-eight Senators joined in as well and you can read more about those efforts here.
Rather than attack the Second Amendment, I have led efforts to address the root causes of gun violence, including improving mental health services, training law enforcement, and providing funds to harden schools. If we are to honor and uphold our Constitution, the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms cannot and must not be infringed. You can count on me to oppose any gun control scheme that comes before Congress.