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Economy and Jobs

Creating jobs and strengthening our economy are among my top priorities. I believe the formula for job creation includes a strong education system that empowers a skilled workforce and a common sense tax and regulatory environment. Small businesses create jobs and have a positive impact on our community and economy – government should not get in the way with unnecessary red tape.  

We must restore fiscal responsibility in Washington. Reckless spending has led our country into a dire economic situation threatened by inflation and mountains of debt. I'm committed to working with my House colleagues to find common-sense solutions to halt wasteful spending, make middle class tax cuts permanent, and dramatically decrease the size of government. In fact, during his administration, I worked with former President Donald Trump to pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act(link is external) which created opportunity zones(link is external) and allowed an overwhelming majority of Americans to see larger paychecks(link is external) and bonuses(link is external). We have tough choices ahead to build on our accomplishments and cut government spending. Yet it is immoral for us to borrow from future generations to pay for things we don't need and can't afford. As your elected representative, I am committed to prioritizing spending and getting us back on the right track to an economic recovery.