
From sweet potatoes to tobacco and so many other commodities, I am committed to keeping agriculture a top industry in our state. To fulfill this mission, we must advance initiatives that strike the right balance between fiscal responsibility, providing certainty to our farmers, and maintaining the strength of our agribusinesses. As founder of the bipartisan Agriculture and Rural America Task Force, I work daily to streamline our federal government, empower our farmers, and get our economy back on track.
I am dedicated to providing certainty for our farmers and ensuring they have access to the tools they need to produce an affordable and stable food supply. As agriculture technology changes, so should government policies. I support common sense reforms like expanding rural broadband and those implemented in the 2018 Farm Bill under former President Donald Trump. The government must reduce unnecessary regulations that negatively impact farmers and rural Americans. I oppose harmful regulations like the EPA’s “Waters of the United States” rule, which is a misguided Washington, DC power grab. I will continue to do all I can to protect our agriculture community from bureaucratic overreach.
One of the biggest concerns I hear from farmers is how to pass down their years of hard work to their children and grandchildren. The "death tax" (also known as the estate tax) is a tax imposed on the transfer of the taxable estate of a deceased person. This bad Washington policy crushes the profitability of farming and drives farmers out of the industry. That is why I was proud to support the repeal of the estate tax which goes into effect in 2025.
The next farm bill is scheduled for 2023. In the meantime, I remain focused on protecting our North Carolina farmers from government overreach.