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Protecting Your Tax Dollars From Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

March 23, 2025

Americans like you gave President Trump and Republicans in Congress a mandate to enact our America First agenda, and we have been working to deliver. From rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse of your tax dollars to supporting our troops and first responders, we are working to put you, your community, and your country first again.

Under President Trump’s leadership, the Trump Administration has been shining a light on Washington’s waste so we can make the government work better for you. House Republicans have also taken action, like by cracking down on the rampant fraud in the COVID-era unemployment insurance program.

During the pandemic, bad actors stole hundreds of billions of dollars in unemployment insurance benefits - money that was paid for by hardworking taxpayers like you to help people who were going through a tough time. Precious taxpayer dollars went to fraudsters, many overseas in places like China, who spent this money on luxury items while Americans were hurting. 

With thousands of complaints and investigations into this fraud still unresolved, we cannot let criminals off the hook without consequences. That’s why I joined my colleagues recently in passing a bill to give law enforcement the time and resources needed to continue tracking down and prosecuting those who stole from American taxpayers. I will continue fighting for legislation that protects your tax dollars and stops fraud like this from happening again.

While I, along with President Trump and my House Republican colleagues, have already begun working to advance our America First agenda, there is still so much more to do. Recently, I joined my House Republican colleagues in passing a bill that ensures we can continue our efforts while fully funding our military, VA benefits, Border Patrol, and government programs like Medicare. This bill also gives more money toward veterans’ healthcare programs, like the Toxic Exposures Fund, and provides a 14.5% pay raise for our junior enlisted service members - directly benefiting folks in our community and at Fort Bragg.

Back home, I spent time last week visiting with local law enforcement, first responders, servicemembers, and universities to hear about their priorities and listen to their concerns. In Hoke County, I met with folks from the Puppy Creek Fire Department. We discussed how they’re working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and local organizations to expand their facilities and help keep our communities safe.

In Guilford County, I toured North Carolina A&T University. I was so impressed with what the university is doing in areas like engineering, advanced computing, robotics and autonomous vehicles to ensure our students will be prepared to lead America into the future. It is so inspiring to see firsthand the dedication and innovation in our communities, and I will always support their efforts.

In Congress, I will continue working to advance policies that prioritize your needs, safeguard your tax dollars, strengthen our economy, and keep you safe. Together, we will keep fighting for a brighter and more prosperous future for our communities and our country.


Until Next Time,

Richard Hudson
Member of Congress

Issues:Defense & National SecurityEconomy and JobsEducationFederal BudgetVeterans