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Hudson Statement on House CISPA Vote

April 19, 2013

April 19, 2013

Hudson statement on House CISPA vote
House Passes Cyber Security Bill

WASHINGTON- U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released a statement following the successful passage of CISPA in the House of Representatives:

“Protecting the privacy rights guaranteed by our Constitution is a top priority. Initially, I had serious concerns about CISPA’s privacy protection. After attending classified briefings, I am confident this bill has many layers of privacy safeguards in place that ensure the privacy of our citizens. This bill has strict restrictions and prohibits the government from forcing private sector entities to share personal information; it places restrictions on the use of any data that may be shared; and provides an opportunity for individuals to sue the government for damages. The bill also creates strong oversight by requiring detailed annual reports from numerous Inspectors-General throughout multiple agencies. The authority provided by this bill will end in five years unless Congress decides to re-implement it. The threat to our electric grid, commerce and way of life is real. We are entering a new phase of long-term, serious cyber warfare and we need to adopt rules of engagement that use technology to break up our enemies’ capacity to use the Internet to cause harm. CISPA is an important step towards addressing significant problems in our cyber security capabilities and Americans can feel confident that this legislation also protects our constitutional freedoms.”
